Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We're Home!!

We left UNC-CH hospital around 9:30 am, and after loading up all of our stuff and picking up prescriptions--antibiotics and that godsend, oxycodone, we arrived home around 10:30 am. Talia seemed happy to see her toys and had a bit of a playtime. She then pointed to her baby oatmeal box, so we mixed up a bowl of that with lots of warm organic milk and she ate the whole bowl, along with a bit of yogurt drink in the one sippy cup she's supposed to use. Thank goodness we didn't bring her preferred Pigeon bottle to NY, which helped us wean off of that bottle. Note to self--hide Pigeon bottle where she won't find it.
Art started a storybook in the rocking chair after lunch, but by page 3 she pointed to her crib. He put her in the crib without a peep and she napped for almost 3 hours. She doesn't like the ear drops that have to go in twice a day, nor the taste of the antibiotic or oxycodone, but all will help her heal and rest. Speaking of which, we also got much needed naps, after only dozing on and off while holding her all of last night.
I had the strangest dream last night. We keep telling Lydia that after Talia's palate surgery, she'll be able to make more sounds and begin talking to us. In my dream, I asked her what she wanted to drink after she woke up from surgery. She looked at me and said "juice!" She then began speaking in full clear sentences in my dream, and I thought, "this is great!" No clear words or sentences yet today, but Talia seems more like her "usually self" as Lydia would say. She's played, eaten and had her sippy cup, given us wet kisses and a few smiles.
The hospital staff was completely charmed as we were leaving the short-term stay unit. Talia graciously blew kisses and waved bye-bye enthusiastically. While the staff thought she was being sweet, we knew she was saying, "we're outta here people!" So we are home, happy to be here, and will try more updates in the coming days, hopefully with pictures. You have to see her in these "no-nos." Also--tomorrow Sears is coming to fix the washing machine--three loads have piled up and the post-surgical drool is creating piles of laundry as we speak. Gotta love the timing of appliances.

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