Friday, July 10, 2009

It Feels Like a New Day

We're not writing until 8:40 pm, because it's like a usual busy Friday for us. Talia has slept through the night each night. A funny story from this morning, which will embarrass Talia to no end when she gets older. She has for some time been signing "dirty" and "diaper" to let us know when she needs to be changed. Unfortunately, the surgery and all the meds have created no "dirty" diapers this week at all, until this morning. Talia signed "dirty" and "diaper" and then she held her nose, Mama's signal for "peeyeew", which cracked us up to no end. Later in the morning when I mentioned that incident, she signed "sorry" which was funny all over again. She seems cheerful and happy in the mornings--so much so, that today, we went to the Harris Teeter like usual. She seemed to enjoy the outing and waved and blew kisses to all. She did get pretty tuckered out, and fell asleep in the car as we arrived home at 11:30 am. She had a great two-hour nap and playtime with Baba while Mama got a little time off.
While Mama was out, Talia kept Baba company while he tried to nap. She was having no parts of a second nap, but she did sweetly put her head on my chest momentarily a few times. Tao Tao was intently watching Baba's mouth when he was making sounds like "la la la" and "ba ba ba". Then she produced a general imitation of these new sounds, which delighted Baba to no end.
She was in such great spirits that we decided to go to our regular Friday night dinner spot--Elmo's in Carrboro. Our girl did us proud! She ate an entire soft scrambled egg, a dish of buttered grits and 1/2 a dish of applesauce, saving room of course for some chocolate frozen custard at Rita's across the way. And you should have seen her flirting with the very cute 3-year-old Henry, whose parents announced that he was smitten and had found his future wife! She was pretty tired out as we got home, but strangely now seems to actually like the stinky antibiotic that we have to give her three times a day. Wish we could say the same for the five drops in each ear, but she is more tolerant of those, too. It's an odd sight when she holds out her little arms so you can strap on her no-no's to go to bed. Those are the things she hates the most, but will still compliantly hold her arms out so they can be velcroed on.
We're thinking about the Farmer's Market for tomorrow. It really seems like we're back to normal, with the exception of keeping track of her multiple meds (Art has created a grid so we can log in the various meds and time administered) and making sure she keeps her hands out of her mouth. Oh yeah, and the soft foods, but she has even seemed more tolerant of those, she who had previously really enjoyed textured foods. And who can forget about Lydia? She's coming back tomorrow, we think. When I asked her tonight if she was ready to come home tomorrow, there was a long pause (of course I thought our phone lost connectivity!). When I asked if she was still there, could she hear me, her answer was, "I'm thinking." Sheesh, let a girl go to camp Aunt Laura and you're not even sure you'll get her back! (Just kidding, Aunt Laura). We have loved the daily cards with narrated photos that Lydia and Aunt Laura have sent us to keep us up to date with all of the fun. We got to see Monkey Joe's and Lydia climbing the faux rock wall and sliding down a giant slide, as well as Lydia and Jennifer the swim instructor. Rumor has it that there's even a photo of Lydia at "the nail shop" getting her first ever professional pedicure with her Aunt Laura--mama is doomed to maintaining her in the diva lifestyle she'd like to have, I fear.
The pictures are of Talia in her "no-no's", the girls at a playground in Chinatown, NY on the 4th of July, Lydia and Talia enjoying a sister kiss recently and Talia imitating Curious George by holding her bottle with her hands--and her feet!

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