Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Letter from Your Mama

November 29, 2008

Dear Talia,

This is the first posting from your mama. I've been very busy working on your afghan. Long, long ago, when mama and baba first moved to North Carolina, and long before we thought we would one day become a mama and baba, mama made two quilts. One hangs in your sister's room, and I made her an afghan to match when we waited to bring her home from China. The second one will soon hang in your room, and I'm making you an afghan to match. I hope you'll like the colors I chose: a soft purple, an aqua, a cream color and a taupe, all colors from the quilt. Baba and I have been talking about getting your room ready, as we get closer to the time that we will travel to China to bring you home. You'll get to sleep in the same crib that Lydia did--it will be good to see that crib again, and a baby in it. Your afghan will have 48 squares, just like Lydia's. I just counted, and I need just five more squares until I have enough. Five is your big sister's favorite number, she'll tell you all about that. She's already wondered what your favorite number will be! I've also been looking for a special comforter for your crib, to keep you warm and cozy. Lydia sleeps with her crib comforter every night still, even though she's been in her big girl bed for quite a while now. While I work on your afghan, I think about you, and what it will be like when we meet you for the first time. It was so exciting to get a picture of you last week. As soon as we get our "LOA," which stands for "Letter of Acceptance" from China, we will post your picture so all of your family and friends here can get their first glimpse of you, such a pretty baby. I'll also post a picture of your afghan and quilt, so everyone can see what your room here will look like. It will look just right, once you're here. More later.

Love, Mama